This post isn't going to be super long due to a severe essay procrastinating situation that I have found myself in. However, I just ran into this article this weekend about this professor of anatomy at Idaho State University named Jeffrey Meldrum. He is one of the foremost scientific believers of the existence of Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch). About 10 years ago, he discovered a set of footprints in the Umatilla National Forest in Walla Walla, Washington. Upon further examination of the footprints, he determined that the physical characteristics of it were actually credible (essentially, it is possible that the footprints are real as opposed to the product of a hoax). Since then, he has conducted exhaustive research, using a 30,000 dollar grant from a fellow Bigfoot believer, towards uncovering the existence of this North American myth. However, the fact that his research is being treated so seriously by Idaho State University (Meldrum was the keynote speaker at a Bigfoot symposium recently held at Idaho State) has received criticism from fellow scientists at the school. Many of them cannot believe that his research of such an unrealistic subject is being treated as an accepted scientific endeavour. Thus, many of his colleagues have isolated him from them and appealed to have his research reviewed and tenure revoked.
here's a link to the story:
and a more technical link regarding his research:
Personally, I think it is quite a shame that he cannot continue his research. Despite the lack of any real benefits from his studies, I think that he should be allowed to explore something that no one really knows a lot about. It is the purpose of science isn't it? I mean, the only real problem would be the actual purpose and ultimate gains of his studies. However, just because he's looking into something that used to be reserved for sci-fi channel specials shouldn't be means to end the guy's tenure. It's science and the boundaries should be endless! haha. Anyways, yea i've always been fascinated with Bigfoot since my youth soooo that's why I was interested in this. Ok byeeeee