Sunday, October 29, 2006

Larry Clark's a sick perverted bastard

Review: Wassup Rockers Larry Clark

Ok. I know what all of you are going to think when you first watch this movie. Especially if you know about the history of Larry Clark’s filmmaking (Kids, Bully). Why is this guy such a pervert? Am I right? Well, I can’t really blame you. It’s all justified. He seems to have a fascination with teenage decadence at the hands of drugs, violence, and; most disturbingly, sex. On top of that, Clark must include extended; and I needn’t mention awkward, shots of his young character’s body parts or sexual activities. It’s really quite weird. But, we can’t take away from the fact that Mr. Clark has an affinity for making rather believable portrayals of youthful nihilism. Despite the awkwardness inherent in exploring the seedier sides of being a teenager, each of his films exudes a level of believability that the “adolescent” film market needs.
Clark’s latest offering, Wassup Rockers, is another chapter in his celluloid novel about adolescent life. However, where his other films have characters who are more consciously decadent, the characters in this film are more innocent than anything.
The film circulates around a group of Latino skateboarders who live in South Central (“The Ghetto!”) Los Angeles. A normal day for this group is dealing with harassment at the hands of other kids, primarily African American, who have trouble accepting their long hair and tight pants. In one particular scene, Jonathan (one of the skateboarders) nearly gets in a fight with a stereotypically hip hop African American student once school gets out. The latter harassing the other by calling him a “rocker”. Here, we have an issue that Clark deals with in this film. It’s the fact that these kids have to live a difficult life because others can’t accept what they look like or how they act. The fact that these kids aren’t really looking for trouble doesn’t matter. Because they look “different”, they have to deal with harassment at the hands of the “gangster, gangster” culture that dominates their area of Los Angeles.
Despite this, it seems as if the skaters don’t really care about what all the others think about them. It actually becomes apparent that all that matters to them is sex with girls, then the girls themselves, then skateboarding, and finally rock and roll (although this is primarily because the boys are in a punk band together as well). In many scenes, the group talks about having sex with girls as they encounter the many young ladies that cross their path. In one scene, a particularly “loose” neighborhood girl named Rosalia walks by looking for some action with Jonathan. However, when he makes it known that he is not available, the forward young lady moves onto another member of the group. When that member returns, the first question Jonathan asks is whether or not he had sex with the girl. The conversation then moves onto the first time Jonathan had sex. All of this happens while the others skate a ledge around them. Like I said, all they think about is sex and skateboarding.
Up to this point, the “fly on the wall” insight that viewers get into a day in the life of these “skate punks” is actually quite interesting; albeit boring. The one problem with this movie comes when the actual “action” starts. This point, specifically, is when the boys take a bus trip out to Beverly Hills to skate a spot.
The problem with this section of the film is that it contradicts with the direction of the first half of the film. Where the first half seemed like a real documentary, including the beginning where Jonathan is interviewed, the second half almost seems like a contrived adventure where the boys run into various stereotypes. Here, the boys are exploring a neighborhood in Beverly Hills after escaping from police at the aforementioned skate spot. Their first encounter is with a group of young girls from the local high school. What they quickly learn is that, despite the clean image of big houses and shiny cars, safety is never a guarantee. It seems as if wherever these guys go, trouble follows. After encountering the local rich boy snobs, they run from house to house. Each house represents a certain image that is synonymous with the Beverly Hills scene. In one they encounter the rich; gay “artsy fartsy” crowd. In another, they encounter a drunken “big breasted” lady. Finally, they run into a Clint Eastwood desperado who shoots before he asks questions. At each house, the boys seem to run into some kind of trouble. Although the idea of a culture clash between the Beverly Hills crowd and these tight pant South Central punks is enticing, the way it is executed in this film; with the sudden progression from stereotype to stereotype, seems forced and unrealistic.
Despite this, the film is still a well executed portrayal of a bunch of innocent kids who just can’t seem to run away from trouble. The boys get a dose of reality in the span of one night. The pace of the film progresses with a certain degree of nonchalance that the boys have. I also enjoyed all the little details such as a character named Spermball wanting to be called by his real name (Milton) or how everyone calls these kids “Mexican” even though they are truly of mostly Salvadorian descent (the Beverly Hills cop can‘t even believe this). Another funny little thing is how one of them tries to commit suicide by drowning himself in a sink but can’t because he keeps pulling out when he runs out of breath. There’s a real sense of innocence that really adds to the character of this film.
This is definitely Clark’s least intimidating film to date. However, even with the quirks of the Beverly Hills scenes, this is a good document of American adolescence. Looking beyond all the awkward close-ups and the teenage sexuality, Clark is good at taking teenage issues seriously. After watching Wassup Rockers, the viewer should definitely get the feel that everything that happened to these boys can and might actually happen.


Red light Districts have led to disaster in the Philippines

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, who is president of the Philippines is leading the way for the most horrifying violations against human rights. Ever since Macapagal Arroyo cheated to get her presidency, she has been supported by the United States, giving her administration the fourth largest US foreign military aid package in the world—over $400 million. It is estimated that around 5,500 US troops are stationed on the islands. The US first set up its military power in the Philippines during the height of the Vietnam War, instigating a large scale of prostitution. Red light districts sprang up quickly around US military bases and women were destined to entertain as much as 10,000 soldiers daily. According to the article “Philippine Women’s National Day of Protest” by Dorotea Mendoza of the San Francisco Independent Media, in 2002, 12,000 US troops arrived in the Philippines when it was declared the Second Front in the US-led war on terrorism, resulting in sex trafficking of Filipino women and children to increase to 600%. What is even more shocking is that the US still remains the largest importer of mail-order brides from the Philippines. Due to the US involvement with the old Filipino dictatorship (Marcos’ regime) and now US influence on the new Filipino administration, that last year over 700,000 women were reported to have been exported to other countries to work as contract and migrant workers. It is also known that everyday “an average of 10 body bags arrive in the Philippines carrying the remains of Filipinas” (Mendoza). This is just an example of the type of exploitation and oppression of women and children that the GABRIELA Network USA (GABNet USA) works every year to object to such appalling violations of human rights by protesting on Philippine Women’s National Day of Protest. On Octorber 27th of this year, this women’s party marks its 17th year of helping to liberate Filipino women from their dire situations. In the year 2001 there were 4,300 cases of human rights violations, and over “100,000 of those affected were children under the age of 16; 761 activists have been assassinated, 80 of whom were women, most were members or affiliates of GABRIELA national women’s alliance and Gabriela Women’s Party; 46 journalists have been killed” (Mendoza). Clearly there have been more human rights cases since president Arroyo came to power than during the Marcos dictatorship. That is why it is hard to believe that Macapagal Arroyo plans to change the Philippine constitution so that it may allow her to remain in until 2010 and eliminate the existence of Partylists—the only resemblance of a democracy that the Filipino government has left. Partylists mostly consist of different people’s organizations, making up a huge part of the Philippine community. It is crucial that government be held accountable for abandoning to serve people’s interests and consistently subjecting its people to degrading living situations such as red light districts, as well as shipping them to work to their death in foreign countries.

For more information visit


word play

Once again, The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for common words. The winners are:

1. Coffee (n.) the person upon whom one coughs.

2. Flabbergasted (adj.) appalled over how much weight you have gained.

3. Abdicate (v.) to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

4. Esplanade (v.) to attempt an explanation while drunk.

5. Willy-nilly (adj.) impotent.

6. Negligent (adj.) describes a condition in which you absent-mindedly answer the door in your nightgown.

7. Lymph (v.) to walk with a lisp.

8. Gargoyle (n.) olive-flavored mouthwash.

9. Flatulence (n.) emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.

10. Balderdash (n.) a rapidly receding hairline.

11. Testicle (n.) a humorous question on an exam.

12. Rectitude (n.) the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.

13. Pokemon (n) a Rastafarian proctologist.

14. Oyster (n.) a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.

15. Frisbeetarianism (n.) (back by popular demand): The belief that, when you die, your Soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.

16. Circumvent (n.) an opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.

The Washington Post's Style Invitational once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are this year's winners:

1. Bozone (n.) The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

2. Cashtration (n.) The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.

3. Giraffiti (n) Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

4. Sarchasm (n) The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

5 . Inoculatte (v) To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

6. Hipatitis (n) Terminal coolness.

7. Osteopornosis (n) A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

8. Karmageddon (n) It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.

9 .Decafalon (n.) The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

10. Glibido (v) All talk and no action.

11. Dopeler effect (n) The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

12. Arachnoleptic fit (n.) The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

13. Beelzebug (n.) Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

14. Caterpallor (n.) The color you turn after finding half a grub in the fruit you're eating.

And the pick of the literature:

15. Ignoranus (n): A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

--found this online.

"Compasionate Conservatism" - Gay Republicans

I found a few websites with information on gay Republicans. It seems to be a pretty common considering the number of sites I found and also already "dealt with" so to speak. I don't know who's more hypocritical though; it's either Bush and his "compassionate conservatism" or gays particulary being republican. Either way, it's a huge contradiction.

According to the sites, most gay Republicans are Republican because they agree with conservative ideals, except of course the ban on gay marriage. There's a sub-party division within the Republican party called "The Log Cabin Republicans" (gay Republicans). It seems they're not sure if they're fully part of the Republican party because of this one difference, though big.

Bush also claims that he is willing to hire openly gay Republicans and that sexual orientation does not effect eligibilty, but it seems like an oxymoron hiring a gay Republican to campaign exactly why gay marriage is not constitutional. In 2000, Bush held a meeting with a dozen openly gay Republicans and, I believe, didn't solve anything in particular.

So the question is asked: Will the Log Cabin Republicans emerge separately from Republicans?

Another Gay Republican blog:
for current issues and the like. - Gay Republicans look for place in party

Bush Miscalculates on Gay Republicans

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hippie Town?

where is venice beach?-or hippie town?

Tar and Feather

More interesting things...

Hippie Town (Venice Beach) for Hemp Clothing: is a clothing store exclusive to affordable, stylish, durable and ecologically friendlly wear. Most products are made from hemp (which is the byproducts of the hemp plant; seeds, pulp, fibers, flowers).

It reminds me of an organic, less globalized version of American Apparel. They have everything from jeans to shirts to dresses to backpacks to wood to tie-dye shirts. Everything you need for an eco-friendly wardrobe!

Nomadic Museum:

I don't know if this is exactly "green" but the building is made from old shipping containers and other garbage. It features photographer Gregory Colbert's exhibits themed, "Ashes and Snow." He travels the world and takes pictures of people, whales, elephants, etc.

Collectors like Donna Karan pay $60,00 to $350,000 for his photographs. His work induces a Zen aesthetic and depicts a sense of awe. The museum won't be here for very long, hence the name "nomadic museum". I believe it is still in Santa Monica Pier.


Tar and Feather: Tar and Feather

Tar and Feather: Tar and Feather

Other interesting things:

Green Trust Sustainability & Renewable Energy

This is a blog site I found by Steve Spence from New York. He is a professional IT Engineer and Electronics Tech. He also says that he is a Green Conservative (a possible target for the Green Scare perhaps??) and a would-have-been hippie if he were alive in the 60's. Steve also lives off solar panels, wind (?) and veggie oil fueled diesel generator power. He's has the ultimate environmentalist home!

Apparently, Steve is also trying to come up with ways to provide hippie homeowners and the like to be more environment-friendly! The blog site has numerous blogs on his progress and productions.

- Janelle

Tar and Feather

Tar and Feather

Work up an Appetite!!
Ugly Vegetable Competition in England

I thought this was funny.. and interesting.

The Ugly Veg Competition is just that. A competition to see who can grow the ugliest vegetable! The winner is Mrs. Hillary Nellist of Bedford, England. The vegetable is supposed to be a parsnip but looks like an octupus to me. According to the website, it's supposed to taste just as good as any other parsnip. I've never had a parsnip but it doesn't look too good.

The overall winner gets an organic veg box for a year and gets a chance to receive advice from National Trust gardeners for a day. Apparently they take their vegetables and fruits seriously. The competition was founded by the National Trust with the 'Food Choices' initiative and 'Small Steps BIG CHANGE' project. It doesn't say much what these mean but maybe it's too improve the bad reputation of food in England? Haha.. I don't know. Just a thought.

Anyway, I am computer illiterate when it comes to these things so I'm sorry I couldn't post any pictures. To see these monstrous veggies and fruits (yes, there are more winners in sub categories which are equally disturbing to the eye) visit the website.

- Janelle

Tar and Feather

Tar and Feather

Urth Caffe: Organic coffees and teas

First exlusively organic coffee company. They work directly with select growers from all around the world and constantly look for more organic growers to provide for the company. Coffee is actually the most chemically treated food product in the world and often result in poor soil fertility and eventually run into the local water supply. The trees that bear coffee beans grow naturally under the shady protection of rainforests; since the coffee industry has gone up and up since the mainstreaming of Starbucks, coffee companies have developed a number of coffee tree hybrids that replace the natural trees found in rainforests.
Urth Caffe insures that none of the above trends of mass-produced coffee are found within the cups of Urth Caffe. Certified organic, naturally grown and fairly traded, Urth Caffe also pays workers three times as much as the market priced for the conventional coffee company, insuring well-off growers and premium quality coffee for the consumer. All growing methods are eco-friendly and are inspected by Urth Caffe to insure quality and purity for the coffee drinker and the environment.
Located in the prime of Los Angeles, (West Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica) Urth Caffe offers a restaurant-style, casual atmosphere with everything from health-conscious meals to vegan desserts.


Tar and Feather

Tar and Feather

Oh yeah, the last blog was by Janelle by the way. :)

Tar and Feather

Tar and Feather

The Green Scare

If it reminds you of the Red Scare then you're right! It somewhat relates to the Red Scare back around the time of WWI. If you didn’t already know, the Red Scare involved a series of hearings to criminalize suspected Communists. The Red Scare really didn’t do anything to prevent Communism but simply convicted a number of innocent people who can’t prove otherwise that they are not Communist.

The Green Scare is just that—except for the whole Red Communism part. Unfortunately, the U.S. government is targeting radical environmentalists and animal rights groups. The government is supposedly convicting anyone who publicly support these groups as well as those who are directly involved (obviously).

The first arrest of “Open Backfire” on Dec. 7, 2005 convicted the Earth Liberation and Animal Liberation Front with charges of conspiracy. There are other alleged convictions on the website.

Dec. 7 of this year, named A Day of Solidarity with Green Scare Indictees and Political Prisoners, nation-wide events will take place to increase awareness of the Green Scare. Some awareness events include: film screenings, prisoner letter writing parties, teach-ins, support rallies, fundraisers, shows and music festivals. All events are conducted legally (which is emphasized by the website) and encourage more organized committees to support Green Scare awareness.

For more info visit:

Jackie Green Review

Sitting on a stool with his head-gear looking harmonica attatched to his head and guitar in hand, Jackie Green takes his audiences with him on a blues sailing ride. This talented he singer began when he was 16years old, playing open-mic nights in Sacramento. He later opened for B.B. King, who later brought the youngster out on stage afterwards. Singer-songwriter Jackie Green has been climbing his way in the music industry, but still remains true to his grass roots. You can find one of his songs in the movie Brokeback Mountain, but his hits will always be Mexican Girl off of the album “Gone Wanderin” and Marigold off of his newest album “American Myth”. His other album full of blues-inspired rock 'n' roll is "Sweet Somewhere Bound.”

Interesting Green Facts

Did you know that in Egypt the temple floors were green? Green has persisted to stand out in other instances like the following: Greeks and Moors believed the color green signified victory, Muslims wear green turbans after they’ve made a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, Leonardo da Vinci strongly believed green represented water.


Friday, October 20, 2006

Interested in Green Tea

Green Tea!!
If you are looking for something that burns calories and has just as much caffeine as coffee, then start your morning with Green Tea. Here are various types of Green Tea:

  • Sencha, the most popular green tea and it has a light astringent taste and sweetness. This tea has a lower quality called bancha.
  • Dragon Well tea is the ultimate green tea and the name originates from the legendary well in the West Lake region of China where the tea is produced. The color is bright green and tastes somewhat sharp.
  • Macha is the tea that is used for traditional Japanese tea ceremony. It is prepared very carefully and the flavor is also light and sweet.
  • Gunpowder is a unique type of green tea. Its tea leave are rolled into tight balls, representing old fashioned gunpowder. Because of its form, the tea tastes fresh and stays fresh.
  • Jasmine isn’t classified as a green tea, but it is blended with green tea leaves and jasmine flowers of course, which gives it a refreshing taste.
  • Genmaicha is also like the Jasmine. It is a blend tea, mixed with sencha green tea and toasted brown rice, which gives it a distinctive toasty flavor.


Midnight Rambler

Levon Helm may have danced his “Last Waltz” with The Band on Thanksgiving Day 1976; however, this hardworking performer definitely hasn’t hit his last drum or played his last mandolin just yet. Starting last summer, Helm organizes shows in his barn in Woodstock, New York. The shows, called Midnight Rambles, usually have Helm, and the occasional superstar guest, jamming while the audience enjoys home-baked cookies and a buffet of homemade food.

The Midnight Rambles are held every other Saturday in a loft-like barn in the woods of Helm’s property. Due to the intimate nature of the shows, the community has taken to enjoying their Saturday nights along with Helm and their closest neighbors. It’s natural to see entire families and their dogs come with a bowl of chips and salsa in hand. “Levon is the link between the hippies and the firemen,” says Helm’s daughter Amy, 35.

However, to the dedicated Band fan, events such as this shouldn’t be any surprise. Whenever Levon sang behind his drum kit, along with the equally fantastic pipes on bassist Rick Danko, you were transported to a simple life where all that matters are the rolling hills, the green grass, and “Little Bessie” in your arms. The fact that Helm is throwing shows in a barn in Woodstock, New York is just the good ol' country boy being himself. The real surprise, however, is in the reasons why he throws these shows.

Most surprising is the financial reason. If someone got rich off The Band, Levon Helm wasn’t one of them. Helm usually charges 100 dollars per ticket for an intimate evening in the barn. However, the ticket price should definitely not keep the fans of good American music away. Just the sight of Helm playing his mandolin is enough to make any ticket worth the price of the history you’ll hear. And it’s not just the history of the Band; it’s the history of American rock and roll. Every time Levon plucks a string, you’re hearing November 25, 1976 all over again. Every time he releases that soothing southern croon, you’re hearing minstrel shows and the roots of rock and roll. Every time he hits his drums, you’re hearing the driving beat of late night sessions at Big Pink with Bob Dylan. What the audience gains in that barn in Woodstock, New York is worth significantly more than the 100 dollar ticket price.

The other reason why Helm throws the shows is to get his beautiful country yowl back. Nine years ago, Helm was diagnosed with throat cancer. The radiation treatments he was given resulted in him losing that signature voice. Thus, in order to get his voice back, Helm did the thing he knows best. “I wanted to get my voice back in shape and this (singing for friends and family) seemed like a good way to do it,” says Helm.

Levon Helm’s Midnight Rambles are more than just shows, they’re an experience. And yes, I know that sounds cheesy but say the same thing to the community that fills the barn every other Saturday and chances are they’ll call it an experience as well. Tell that to Elvis Costello and Allen Toussaint who, last winter, braved the biggest snowstorm to drive up from New York to sit in with Levon and his friends. Tell that to Dr. John, Donald Fagen, Emmylou Harris, Rickie Lee Jones, and former Band organist Garth Hudson. Tell that to the volunteer fire fighters and police officers who, through their program “Helmland Support”, allow people to enjoy the Rambles for free. The point is that the shows are rock and roll at its purest. These shows take you back to a time when the audience and the performers were one. No security guards or cocaine curtains separating the fans from their heroes. There aren’t any encores and set lists. All that matters is that the music never stops and that the audience is “rollin’ and tumblin”. Allen Toussaint, reminiscing about his time at the Ramble, said “The whole atmosphere was Levon—it was just so honest to the bone. Take your shoes off, relax, you’re with friends. You can’t have stage fright. You can’t do anything wrong.”

“These shows,” says Helm, “every one of them is a celebration. You know, you can take the things you have for granted. But when you lose something, like I lost my voice, and then you get it back… well, there’s nothing quite like it.” Just like he did with The Band in 1976, Levon Helm can’t put on “just another concert”. And when asked if he’s taking care of his finances with the money from these shows, Levon; true to form, responds, “Everyone goes home with some pocket money. Enough to buy firewood, anyhow.”


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

sources of inspiration- online

hej hej

music reviews

crafty geeks

beautiful international magazine

against the grain (check out "how to" and more)


Sunday, October 15, 2006

check one two

talking brains..starts now.