Sunday, October 22, 2006

Tar and Feather

Tar and Feather

The Green Scare

If it reminds you of the Red Scare then you're right! It somewhat relates to the Red Scare back around the time of WWI. If you didn’t already know, the Red Scare involved a series of hearings to criminalize suspected Communists. The Red Scare really didn’t do anything to prevent Communism but simply convicted a number of innocent people who can’t prove otherwise that they are not Communist.

The Green Scare is just that—except for the whole Red Communism part. Unfortunately, the U.S. government is targeting radical environmentalists and animal rights groups. The government is supposedly convicting anyone who publicly support these groups as well as those who are directly involved (obviously).

The first arrest of “Open Backfire” on Dec. 7, 2005 convicted the Earth Liberation and Animal Liberation Front with charges of conspiracy. There are other alleged convictions on the website.

Dec. 7 of this year, named A Day of Solidarity with Green Scare Indictees and Political Prisoners, nation-wide events will take place to increase awareness of the Green Scare. Some awareness events include: film screenings, prisoner letter writing parties, teach-ins, support rallies, fundraisers, shows and music festivals. All events are conducted legally (which is emphasized by the website) and encourage more organized committees to support Green Scare awareness.

For more info visit:


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