Sunday, October 22, 2006

Tar and Feather

Tar and Feather

Work up an Appetite!!
Ugly Vegetable Competition in England

I thought this was funny.. and interesting.

The Ugly Veg Competition is just that. A competition to see who can grow the ugliest vegetable! The winner is Mrs. Hillary Nellist of Bedford, England. The vegetable is supposed to be a parsnip but looks like an octupus to me. According to the website, it's supposed to taste just as good as any other parsnip. I've never had a parsnip but it doesn't look too good.

The overall winner gets an organic veg box for a year and gets a chance to receive advice from National Trust gardeners for a day. Apparently they take their vegetables and fruits seriously. The competition was founded by the National Trust with the 'Food Choices' initiative and 'Small Steps BIG CHANGE' project. It doesn't say much what these mean but maybe it's too improve the bad reputation of food in England? Haha.. I don't know. Just a thought.

Anyway, I am computer illiterate when it comes to these things so I'm sorry I couldn't post any pictures. To see these monstrous veggies and fruits (yes, there are more winners in sub categories which are equally disturbing to the eye) visit the website.

- Janelle


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